Your FEEDBACK is more important than you think
How can you optimize the feedback you give your online coach?
Connecting with our members is important for their overall improvements
When your thinking about the quality of a training session, you have to put yourself in your client's skin and feel what they are experiencing.
If you don't understand their lifestyle, stress levels, what works and doesn't, make sure they understand everything on a daily basis, you won't create what they need.
I always coach in a way I want the experience if I was on the other side.
How are they doing?
How are they feeling?
How does training feel?
How’s their life?
What’s new in their life?
Touching base with the people we coach regularly has improved the overall success of every single one of them.
If you don’t say hello, you don’t ask them how they’re doing, if you don’t get some quick story about what’s going on in their life, that’s a loss of connection and your ability to care more.
The main reason why people workout is so they can have a better life and enjoy working out in the gym even more.
Now, how can our members get the most out of their coach?
Being able to communicate these
How was your training quality this week?
TERRIBLE, no motivation/energy, I am not enjoying training
GREAT, crushing each workout and am excited for every training day
How was your sleep quality this week?
TERRIBLE, not sleeping
GREAT, could not be better quality and getting 7hours+ every night
How would you rate your nutrition quality?
TERRIBLE, not going well at all, I am lost
GREAT, appetite is very good, no bloating, poops are great and feel great rhythm here
How did your energy feel this week?
TERRIBLE, I'm a zombie or...Great, feel energized
What were some wins this week?
What were some losses this week?
Do you feel like you are moving toward your goals?
If not, why?
What can I do to help you this week?
If you don’t have touchpoints, you don’t have anything to work with and that's going to hurt in the long run.
Guillaume Smith, Coach at Smithcoaching